Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mommy's Photo shoot

The weather has been awesome, so I grabbed the camera and a blanket and Lauren for a photo shoot or two. It's no "Aunt Kim" photo shoot, but still cute! ;-)


  1. Good mother-daughter times. I do that a lot. You'll always want to cherish those days even simple ones like that. They are sometimes the best. The older she gets, the more she looks like her daddy!

  2. Each day Lauren gets cuter and cuter! I love all her faces. She's gonna be a firey one like her Tia Daphne...don't tell her Daddy that! The time you are spending with her is irreplacable and I am so glad you are taking full advantage of it. Miss you guys something awful.




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A pediatric dentist, unemployed ARNP and little baby girl living close to family...