Sunday, May 8, 2011

5/2-8/201 Mother's Day Weekend

We have started doing a "nanny share" with The Moore Family this summer!  It's working out great!  Miss Heather is with Lauren on Tuesday and Thursday while I work, and with Taylor on Monday and Wednesday (and some Friday's).  When I need an extra hand with LEB while I go to an appointment or lunch date, I'll take Lauren over to Tay-Tay's (as Lauren says) for a little play date.  Lauren loves being around Taylor and she is such a doll! 
I really can't remember when Lauren has ever had a diaper rash over these past 2 years but I know she had to have had one so we won't call this her 1st.  Here she is "airing out" and watching TV from last week, right before we moved into the new house.  Last picture of her 1st little play room.
On Sunday, we went to Chipley for church and Mother's Day! 
Gigi with her 3 girls.
Week 12.  We had our early screen ultrasound this past week and everything looked great!  Healthy heart and brain and growing right on schedule!  Grandma was present for this ultrasound as I knew that it would be a longer and more detailed look at our new little one.  I happened to mention to the sonographer if she thought it was a boy or girl, and she said "By looking at the angle of the dangle, it's a boy!"  Really?!  So early!?!  I asked Eric if he was excited, and he said "well, I still think it's a 50-50 chance either way."  And the lady said, "no, it's more like 75-25 boy!"  So, we may just have ourselves a little boy growing!  We'll see in 8 more weeks when we repeat the ultrasound! 
Playing with Pops

We went out to Ganny's house to take and eat lunch.  Ganny fell and broke her humerus and is being treated non-surgically.  We had a good lunch and I'm sure that all of us being there was a good break in Grandaddy and Ganny's week.  
Lauren playing with one of Ganny's old hats...we may just have an idea for a birthday party theme!   

1 comment:

  1. her hairlesscunt looks sooooooooooo nice mum I would love my finger in her while my c ocjk is in her ass




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A pediatric dentist, unemployed ARNP and little baby girl living close to family...